I lead this project with Eléonore Lépinard, Nicky LeFeuvre and Isabel Boni-LeGoff since 2015, with the support of the Fonds National Suisse (FNS). It has lead to various publications, including articles in Law and Social Inquiry, on contemporary transformations that are changing the face of the legal professions and the legal careers in European states: mostly the globalization and feminization of legal markets.

Funded by the Fonds National Suisse (FNS), our research analyzes how young male and female lawyers balance work and family obligations, and whether organizational changes in the legal profession affect their ability to pursue their career and family objectives. Our focus is comparative and the selection of our case studies – Switzerland, France and Germany – has been designed to introduce variations in the factors potentially affecting the dynamics of the legal professions. Our articles and book chapters combine results from and surveys distributed to, Swiss, German and French lawyers, which allow us to capture new forms of alienation that lawyers feel at work, as well as the origins of their satisfaction at work and in their personal lives.



Lawyers in Switzerland. The End of Prosperity in the Age of Globalization

Isabel Boni-LeGoff, Eléonore Lépinard, Grégoire Mallard and Nicky Lefeuvre, 2020
in Lawyers in Society: 30 years After, edited by Richard Abel, Ole Hammerslev, Ulrike Schultz and Hilary Sommerlad. Hart Publishing.

12 Jun 2020


A Case of Love and Hate: The Four Faces of Alienation Among Young French and Swiss Lawyers

Isabel Boni-Le Goff, Elénore Lépinard, Nicky Le Feuvre, and Grégoire Mallard, 2020
Law and Social Inquiry. 45(2): 279-303

12 May 2020


Do Gender Regimes Matter? Converging and Diverging Career Prospects Among Young French and Swiss Lawyers

Isabel Boni-Le Goff, Nicky Le Feuvre, Grégoire Mallard, Lépinard Eléonore and Sandrine Morel, 2019
Pp. 114-133 in Gender, Age and Inequality in the Professions, edited by Tracy Adams and Marta Choroszewicz. Routledge, Studies on Gender and Organizations.

12 Jun 2020


Varieties of Professionalism and Perceptions of Gender Discrimination in the Legal Professions

Valeria Insarauto, Isabel Boni-Le Goff, Grégoire Mallard, Eléonore Lépinard, and Nicky Le Feuvre. 2023.
Pp. in Professionalism and Social Change: Processes of Differentiation Within, Between and Beyond Professions, edited by Andrea Bellini, Karolina Parding and Lara Maestripieri. London: Palgrave.

13 Sep 2022


Dissatisfied, but not discouraged: the effects of French female lawyers perceiving gender discrimination

Valeria Insaratau, Isabel Boni-Le Goff, Grégoire Mallard, Elénore Lépinard, and Nicky Le Feuvre. 2022.
Journal of professions and organizations. 20:1-15.

23 Oct 2022