

Decolonization: the Many Facets of an Ongoing Struggle.

Grégoire Mallard, Dominic Eggel and Marc Galvin. 2021.
Global Challenges Introduction to the issue 10.

13 Sep 2022


Human Rights in Flux: New Directions beyond Universalism

Grégoire Mallard, Dominic Eggel and Marc Galvin. 2022.
Global Challenges Introduction to the issue 11.

13 Sep 2022


The JCPOA’s Compliance and Enforcement Framework.

Grégoire Mallard and Farzan Sabet. 2021.
Pp. 69-82, in From the Iran Nuclear Deal to a Middle East Zone? Lessons from the JCPOA for a Middle East WMD Free Zone, Geneva: United Nations Institute on Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)

13 Sep 2022


La souveraineté diplomatique de l’Europe face au défi de l’abandon américain de l’accord avec l’Iran

Grégoire Mallard, 2018
Pp. 41-50, in L’avenir de l’Union européenne, Défis et initiatives, edited by Jean-Marc Ayrault, Dusan Sidjanski and François Saint-Ouen.

14 Jun 2020


Peer Review in International Perspectives: US, UK and France

Michèle Lamont and Grégoire Mallard, 2005
Report commissioned by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

12 May 2020


A Treaty Establishing a Community of Atomic Energy in the Middle East: A Proposal with Comments

Grégoire Mallard, 2010 Proposal with an Introduction by Hans Blix
Background Paper of the Nuclear Forum in Cairo (Arab Institute for Security Studies 2011) and of the Nuclear Governance Workshop (European University Institute 2012)

12 May 2020


Draft Chapter of the Report of the International Panel on Social Progress.

Gopalan Balachandran and Grégoire Mallard, with Olufunmilayo Arewa, Lucio Baccaro, Tim Büthe, Andrea Nightingale, Pierre Pénet, Dominique Pestre, Anthea Roberts, 2016
Preliminary Report of the IPSP

12 May 2020

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